Traffic separation schemes
The world’s first traffic
separation scheme was established in the Dover Straits (English Channel)
in 1967, in a bid to reduce the number of shipping accidents in this high
risk area. This scheme became the first mandatory traffic scheme in 1971.
Similar schemes have now been brought into force in the majority of the
highly congested shipping areas of the world.
In France, a mandatory traffic separation scheme was set up off the coast
of Ushant Island in Brittany, as a result of the Amoco Cadiz disaster. A
high sea tug, the Abeille
Bourbon, is permanently on standby. As the upshot of several incidents,
a system came into force in this high risk area in May 2003. These vessels
must indicate the nature of their cargo to Corsen Marine Rescue Coordination
Centre which manages the Ushant traffic separation scheme. The authority
to have a vessel suffering structural damage towed is in the hands of the
Préfet maritime (maritime prefect), where the vessel does not comply
with formal notice to be assisted.
More information
International regulation
in heavy traffic areas
Circulation in the Ushant traffic separation scheme
Similar traffic separation schemes are in place in other parts of Europe, such
as the Spanish Cape Finisterre and the Strait of Gibraltar. These schemes
aim to reduce the risk of collision and ensure that vessels transporting
dangerous goods remain far from the coast. Ocean rescue tugs are also on
standby in various accident black spots such as the Shetland Islands (Scotland,
Great Britain) and the north coast of Spain.
French ocean rescue and salvage tug the Abeille Bourbon